Peace Flower Shadow | Round Rug


Peace Flower Shadow Intention

Peace is a vibe. It’s an energy cultivated within. Unfortunately we live in a world where our ability to embody inner peace is constantly challenged. Challenged by others and challenged by ourselves. Let this artwork serve as visual medicine and a prayer for inner peace. For an unwavering inner peace that no one can hinder in any way. Not by words, actions or greed. A prayer the wounds of the past do not bleed into to our future.

Let this artwork remind you to return to peace in your heart, mind and body. Some of the symbolism in this artwork: The fern grows in wet areas, yet their leaves repel water. The medicine of the Fern speaks to the ability of repelling low vibrational toxic energy off of ourselves.

Emerson said “The earth laughs in flowers' '. I think the earth's peace offering to our souls is flowers.

Here are a few meanings of some of the flowers and elements in this piece/peace: Magnolia- a reminder to maintain your dignity in a difficult situation. Lavender- Offering to end a business relationship. Dahlia- Commitment and Eternal Love Lily- Purity and Origin Ayahusca- Spirit Vine Chiric Sanango- Master Plant Skull- Peace with our own death Snake- Sheddings skins Butterfly- Transformation #peace #peacewithin #peaceflower #thepowerofpeace #peaceofmind #cosmicconsciousness #peaceart #peaceandlove

Round Rug Product Details

  • Imagine grounding and meditating in the middle of your very own Cosmic portal! Make that vision your reality with this round meditation rug

  • Crafted with a plush pile textured face, hemmed edges and coated backing for increased durability

  • This round indoor rug’s dimensions are 60 inches (5 feet) across in diameter and .25 inches thick

  • Made from 100% polyester chenille yarns for enhanced colors with pile and wrinkle resistance

  • Made to order in the United States; Production typically takes 2.5 days before shipping